Original Oil Painting 'SIN' by RAven Art & Design Studio
Art on Sale!:
An exhibit taken from the Collection of Thoughts portfolio. Categorized small paintings and illustrations that make up a collage of the artists' visions and ideas committed to paper for future reference.
- Delivery time: 1-2 working days
- incl. taxes
- Weight:
Theme: Visionary, Still /Origin: Latin America / Characteristic: Signed
Provenance: Sold by the Artist / Artist type: Independent artists /
Mounting: Acrylic, Oil on Paper
Period: Contemporary / Number of items: 1
Posted: March 2021
Copyright: RAven Art & Design Studio
Painting Type Visionary, Still
Painting Size 8' H x 8' W X 0 in D
Frame Type: Polystyrene
Frame Size: 10'H x 10'W x 0.75 in D
Finish Ivory
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